Anecdotes of a Dreamer

Sometimes I marvel at the fact, almost tethering on the edge of envy, at people who live in reality. These are the ones that have a life that does not vanish like a dream. It's as if their lives are eternally renewing with each new experience they have. Even the moments they experience differ from one another, perpetually changing - evolving.

On the other end of the spectrum are the dreamers, people who like to concoct a kingdom of dreams that they so carefully wrap around themselves, in the end, these incorporeal figments of imagination and fantasy collapse without a trace or sound, leaving in their wake an air of despondency. But there are moments that give way to new dreams, stoking your imagination, giving you hope like a sliver of sunlight glistening through thick clouds on a gloomy winter day.

Although I bask in the dull, prosaic daily life as it gives me a sense of inexplicable security, there are days when I long for the big outdoors. Such days make me realize that everything is not a fragment of my imagination, that it's not a mirage but real and tangible. As I set foot on the marshy ground punctuated by stunted, fawn-coloured grass, I feel my breathing becoming labored. As I walk towards the distant vista, drawing me in with its plaintive voice that harbored hope, albeit a remote one, I feel my spirit tremble with ecstasy. It is the kind of happiness you experience as a school kid when you steal apples from orchards on your way back home, the kind of lull you shift into on a hot summer's day.

I lose track of time, as if one minute spent there has turned into eternity, as if everything has come to a grand halt. You see, these are the moments that I feel make you outgrow yourself, breaking the principles you held into smithereens, and so with each fragment, you can build a new life.

As absurd as it sounds, I have a safe place inside my head where I keep all these moments intact. I add all the necessary details, making it as exhaustive as possible. And when I am back in my familiar environment, my spirit sluggish, weary, and utterly wretched, I rake through my treasure of memories, spending hours examining them and adding more details along the way. This sole activity helps rekindle the warmth in my heart that has grown cold and dimmed by the cobwebs of frenzied thoughts, like soot sticking to a grimy wall.

Sometimes I marvel at the fact, almost tethering on the edge of envy, at people who live in reality. These are the ones that have a life tha...

love for everything gingham

Whenever I’m in some sort of a style crisis my go-to print is/has always been "GINGHAM" because I feel like you can style it however you want, for example, you could go for a head-to-toe gingham look like I did here or play it safe and pair it with nude colors such as a skirt or pants. Although personally I have always loved this print and have worn it on many occasions, in fact whenever I am out shopping I automatically gravitate towards this print. This explains the dedicated gingham section in my closet haha. My love for gingham has always put me in uncomfortable-tinged-with-a-bit-of-embarrassment situations because let’s face it; it is redolent of a tablecloth, right? And on many occasions, I have been jokingly accused by people that I stole their apron or table cloth or all the other things that can possibly be made out of this undervalued fabric! lol. Earlier such occasions would get me a little offended but now I know just how to get them to stop doing that which is pretty simple, you just agree with them + have a good laugh and forget about the whole thing. BUT still never giving up wearing it!!

I’m sure we all have been commented on or suggested to change our supposedly delinquent ways, and it not only applies to trivial things as to how you dress but to things of much higher importance like for example what career you choose, the situations might be different but all that is expected from us is to tread on the path deemed fit by others, but what worked for them might not for us right?! So I suggest you be the black sheep and not in any way feel patronized by anyone and yes, this is what I would say to all the other budding bloggers out there, be weird be distinguishable BE A FASHION RENEGADE!

Wow, I didn’t know that my thoughts on a trivial gingham-related subject would get me to go so deep! One more reason to love gingham!  

(Lowkey) gearing up for the weekend hope everyone else is!


Jigmet x

Whenever I’m in some sort of a style crisis my go-to print is/has always been "GINGHAM" because I feel like you can style it howe...

Begin Again

I don't know why, but I have this propensity to disappear sometimes. Not in the real sense, but there are times when I just want to lay super low. I have come to realize that I need that sometimes just to feel more at ease. It's a weird coping mechanism that I have always denied having.

The last time I felt that way was in 2019, and it's 2023 now. I am officially a recluse (not that I am proud of it, haha).

Sometimes I really can't help but miss how regularly I used to post here, the whole process that it involved: putting together outfits, location hunting for pictures, editing them, and then sitting down to write... It was almost like clockwork for me. But then blogging slowly took a backseat, and it wasn't even because I have other "exciting" things to do, like for instance, having a great social life.

Sometimes I feel a nagging urge to change everything and be this individual who likes taking risks and is fun to be around, but I shudder at the thought of projecting a false facade of myself because that won't be "ME"!

The other day, while I was working I accidentally hit the bookmark for my blog. The next thing I knew, I was scrolling through the posts, reading my thoughts from not so long ago. I was literally thrown down a rabbit hole of nostalgia.

Part of the reason why this blog holds a special place in my heart is because it has been with me since back when Instagram wasn't even a thing. It has been one of the few places where I am comfortable penning my thoughts down. 

Since the last time I posted, my life has changed a lot. There have been many ups and downs, but despite all that, I am currently in a place that I have always longed to be in. Besides the relentless work-related stress, I don't have anything else that presents itself as a reason for me to lose my sleep.

I have also been able to reconnect with my old hobbies that I wasn't able to dedicate much time to, such as reading and of course, blogging (yay!). I am glad that everything is coming full circle, and I am able to once again enjoy the things I once lived for.

Jigmet x

I don't know why, but I have this propensity to disappear sometimes. Not in the real sense, but there are times when I just want to lay ...

Hello September

Thrifted shirt, Skirt, Bag

Another year gone and damn how fast time flies... especially when your life is falling apart .... jk lol not intended to alarm my readers (if there is anyone left who still checks my blog posts lol) nothing happened and my life is certainly not falling apart neither literally nor dramatically but then it has already been in that steady state of dullness all this while so it really doesn’t matter I guess.

Anyway so; so many things happened this past year but when I  really sit down and weigh the relevance of it all I can’t seem to point out/ single out any substantial thing that really made me say ‘'wow I really did something productive.’’  Internally as in my thoughts, my way of looking at things have not changed that much although I do believe I have less tolerance for nonsense and drama now ( maybe I’m getting old idk lol) which is a relief considering how much I exhausted myself getting myself caught in unnecessary things that in the longer run would not have mattered one bit and they really didn’t in retrospect.

Outwardly as in how I carry myself, I did a lot of things to ‘'change’’ my appearance I took really dramatic and reckless steps, for starters  I bleached my hair lol (inserting some pics. of my golden hair below) If you have come across my YouTube channel you know what I’m talking about, it’s not that I did not do any research on the whole bleaching thing; that oh boy I very well did, but then reading articles and watching tutorials are one thing and actually doing it is well another thing, I’m not saying I regret that no I do not, it was sort of a catharsis for me; my only regret is the fact that it really fried my hair and now whatever I do I can’t seem to undo the damage.

Secondly I changed the way I dressed lol which is no surprise considering I do that like every year but then this time I completely ditched dresses lol and moved to more ulzzzang-ish outfits like midi dresses/skirts, trousers and blazers lol  kind of refreshing i think and also *cough* I need *cough* to dress *cough* my age lol

Anyway so it’s Monday today and I'm at work so I’m afraid I’ll have to cut this post short with the promise (fingers crossed) that I will be back and will hopefully post regularly.

(Didn’t get time to proof so please ignore any typos)

Jigmet xx

Wearing: Thrifted shirt, Skirt, Bag Another year gone and damn how fast time flies... especially when your life is falling apart ....

a very lazy day

wearing: thrifted everything, bag- Kanken

Ahhhh the fact that I post literally twice a year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol

So finally a new background for a change, a very interesting day and  by interesting I mean eating eating and loitering around with my pretty paradise haha 

A day totally dedicated to doing nothing but being lazy, taking pictures, cloud gazing (if that's even a term) and eating and complaining the food wasn't up to the mark lol

  • ଘ(à©­ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~ ଘ(à©­ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~ ଘ(à©­ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~ ଘ(à©­ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚ᵕ꒳ᵕ~

Jigmet xx

wearing: thrifted everything, bag- Kanken Ahhhh the fact that I post literally twice a year  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol So finally a new b...

caramel pleats

wearing- thrifted top,cardigan, Shein Skirt

Honestly I don't if anyone noticed but does it look like I made that out of the shutter behind me or is it just me? haha I might as well say yes it is cause it's a fact how much I love that shutter as a background of most of my pictures on Instagram; because winters leave me with zero options when it comes to backdrops so for that purpose that shutter is just perfect.

Anyway so finally we have apricot blossoms (as I mentioned in my last post) everywhere I look it has been a little early this year for that as last year I remember it was not until the second week of May that we got to see the blossoms, but I'm not complaining and hopefully I will be able to take some nice pictures before they wither away.

Hope everyone's having a great weekened!

Jigmet x

wearing- thrifted top,cardigan, Shein Skirt Honestly I don't if anyone noticed but does it look like I made that out of the sh...

spring day

Literally my first post in 2018 ahah to be honest idk I got a little bored of this blogging thing that I got distracted by my YouTube channel ugh guess I'm not my old multitasking self ... :(

What is it really that I've been here before, I've mentioned it before. So this morning I just passed by this sight and I just did not have a lot of photos.

idk if people even check my blog anymore hah, to all those that do- Hope you're having a nice time.

Jigmet x

Literally my first post in 2018 ahah to be honest idk I got a little bored of this blogging thing that I got distracted by my YouTube...