
Saturday, September 09, 2017 pastelpigs 0 Comments

wearing: dress, bag- thrifted
brogues- favore
bow- forever21

I regret things; actually a lot of things that I didn't do or even considered doing when I had the chance to, because I was scared, and also fixated on creating this false image of me that others might hate if I let the true me surface. I always had this thick wall of pretence around me that I put in so much effort to maintain that I totally overlooked everything else. 

Years from that now I am at my desk writing/ranting/regretting not having enough people/friends to help me out when I need it. No matter how nice my life might seem on the outside I hate to admit that it is not even 1% of that in real life. I know everyone has problems and I'm no special and that I won't even remember feeling like this next morning but it got too much to handle today. I was okay a while back and then I found myself writing all this. 

This was supposed to be a really cheery post but it turned out otherwise. Probably a nap might solve it.

Jigmet x

wearing: dress, bag- thrifted brogues- favore bow- forever21 I regret things; actually a lot of things that I didn't d...